Workshop Talk Records

JSSPP 2020 talk recordings can be found at JSSPP YouTube channel.

Technical Program

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, JSSPP 2020 will be held on Friday, May 22, 2:30 PM UTC using video-conference tool and all talks will be streamed online.
The link to connect is
Exact timing (time zones) and the link to connect are specified in this event:
The preliminary program is presented below.

JSSPP 2020 connection test
In order to test all settings, we will host one hour long connection test one day before the workshop (Thursday May 21, 2:30 PM UTC). Feel free to join us and troubleshoot your connection setup. To join us during the connection test, please visit this event.
A quick guide how to join the meeting is available here:

Please note that the timing of all talks is given in UTC (check the time at: Please use your local time zone to identify when you are expected to deliver the talk. Each talk is scheduled to last 30 minutes (20 minutes talk + 10 minutes for discussion).

Workshop Opening [2:30 PM - 2:45 PM UTC]

Keynote Lecture [2:45 PM - 3:30 PM UTC]

Technical Papers [3:30 PM - 5:00 PM UTC]

Coffee Break [5:00 PM - 5:30 PM UTC]

Technical Papers [5:30 PM - 7:30 PM UTC]

Workshop Closing [7:30 PM - 7:45 PM UTC]

JSSPP 1995-2025 – the Workshop on Jobs Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing. Contact email: